When you first acquire a smart plug, the first critical step you need to do to get it functioning properly is to connect it to the Wi-Fi network in your home. After that, you’re good to go. Even though the specifics of this method could be different depending on the sort of smart plug that is being used, it will always begin with the same fundamental stages. When you purchase a smart plug for the very first time, the device may often already have the capability of connecting to an existing Wi-Fi network. This is because smart plugs are designed to interact with existing networks. However, it will wait until you provide the connection User name and password before joining your network until you give it those details.
On the other hand, it does provide the wireless charger with a Wi-Fi signal so that your phone can connect to it, and it also provides the USB connection with the necessary information. This allows your phone to charge wirelessly. Your phone will be able to charge wirelessly as a result of this. For you to be successful in your endeavor, you will need to be certain that you always have access to the following components:
- The mobile application for your smart plug, which, assuming you own either an Android or an iPhone, may be loaded on either of those devices on your own if you have either of those.
- The smart plug has to be inserted into an outlet that is a component of this wireless connection for it to function properly inside the wireless network.
- The fact that your portable electronic equipment, namely your smartphone, is linked to the Wi-Fi network in your house.
If the connection contains a hub, you will need to check that it is active and linked to your router using a network cable. Let’s check out the following steps to know how to set up a wemo wifi smart plug.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Wi-Fi-Enabled Smart Plug Setup
- The directions that are provided below will demonstrate to you how to link your most recent electrical plug to your Wi-Fi network in a conventional manner. Before moving further with the rest of the steps, you absolutely must begin by establishing a Wi-Fi connection on your mobile device.
- If you want the program for your device, you can acquire it by going to the Playstore or the Itunes Store and downloading it from there. We are making use of a WeMo charging cord and the associated WeMo app in this demonstration.
- Connect the gadget to an appropriate power supply. When WeMo plugs are used, the Wi-Fi indicator light flashes rapidly between the colors green and orange. The smart plug has just sent out a signal that it is now ready for usage in the form of a Wi-Fi hotspot that it has just broadcast. For more information on how the smart plug in your home shows its status, see the manual that came with it.
- When you activate the companion app, smart plugs already installed in your circuit should be detected by the app automatically. If it does not, please use the menu on your smartphone to continue installing the smart plug. The configuration process will start as soon as the program identifies a Wi-Fi hotspot in the environment.
- Please pick your network connection from the nearby Wi-Fi networks when prompted by this app. To proceed, connect to your home Wi-Fi network.
- You’ll need the Wi-Fi hotspot password to go to the next step. The app will configure the power strip to use this password to link to your household Wi-Fi.
- Your smart plug will be given your Wi-Fi login credentials and tested for a successful network connection after you complete this form.
- The smart plug will appear in the app’s list of devices after it has successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network and after it has completed the connection setup process. You are using the smart plug for the very first time, and there is a possibility that you may see a notification stating that an update to the software is required. Launch the procedure for upgrading the device’s firmware.
- Once the first firmware update has been successfully installed, you will be able to use your smart plug right away. The capability to turn your smart plug on and off is shown as the primary option on the home screen.
- The ability to schedule when the smart plug will turn on or off is another characteristic that is shared by the majority of smart plug apps.
- If you set the smart plug to the “away” mode, it will turn on and off at random intervals all through the night. By using the smart switch to connect a light to the outlet, you may give the impression that someone is there in the home while you are away.